Mohamed Mohamud

Executive Director

Info about Mohamed

About SAPA

Since 2017, the Somali American Parent Association has worked closely with parents, educators through a holistic approach services that include education, community engagement and advocacy. The influx of Somali refugees into Minneapolis has created both challenges and new opportunities for East African families and school districts. Somali and East African students face several barriers to a successful academic experience. They’re often many grade levels behind and many lack adequate English proficiency and struggle with cultural barriers. In addition, they often lack adequate support at home and in school. While parents support their children at home, they struggle to support their children in school due to cultural differences, socio-economic status, and their own education and language levels.



Somali Parent American Association (SAPA) aims to promote the empowerment of Somali youth, parents, and African communities in Minnesota


To Narrow the academic gap within the Somali and East African Communities.